Main Sections

1. Chapters: Chronophysiology, Physiology of Sleep, Neuro-physiology, Respiratory Physiology, Insomnia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Narcolepsy, Parasomnias, Polysomnography, Pediatrics, Pharmacology of Sleep, Restless Legs Syndrome, Women and Sleep, Aging and Sleep, Epilepsy and Sleep, Hypersomnias, Sleep Deprivation, Neurology and Sleep, Phylogeny of Sleep and OroFacial Management of Sleep Apnea…New Chapter – Orexin Agonists

2. Additional Chapters: Case Histories, The Sleep Scoring Manual, History of Sleep and Man, Sleep Center Policy and Procedure Manual, 101 Questions about Sleep and Dreams, The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders, NightWalker an interactive educational game.

3. Forms Section: Patient forms; sleep hygiene tips, sleep apnea tips, narcolepsy tips, sleep restriction instructions, etc., Physician forms; polysomnogram request form, physician reading list, relaxation therapy, etc.

Spread throughout SleepMultiMedia:
More than 5000 references from Medline on sleep medicine and sleep research, most of which have complete abstracts.
More than 100 video clips including sleep specialists comments, patient interviews, cataplexy, sleep apnea, CPAP, BiPAP, Automatic CPAP, paroxysmal nocturnal dystonia, sleep nasoendoscopy, tonsillar obstruction during sleep, ‘Trapdoor’ epiglottis, laser-assisted palatoplasty, radiofrequency palatoplasty, tongue base suspension surgery, Klearway oral appliance, pH monitoring, headbanging, sleep terrors, restless legs syndrome, periodic leg movements, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations, canine cataplexy, sleep stage scoring, electrooculogram electrode placement, electromyogram electrode placement, sleepiness and driving, jet lag, shift work, De Mairan, clock gene animations etc.  

The Sleep Scoring Manual:
The Sleep Scoring Manual is an interactive multimedia training program with audio and video, based on the Rechtschaffen & Kales scoring method. Comparison is made with the new American Academy of Sleep Medicine sleep scoring rules. As well as teaching the sleep scoring rules it contains videos of PSG’s set up to test your sleep scoring ability.

History of Sleep and Man:
A detailed discussion of the historical aspects of sleep and the development of sleep medicine, fully illustrated, and lavishly sprinkled with recorded quotations from historical figures including Hippocrates, Thomas Willis, Rolando, Shakespeare, Dickens, De Mairan, Freud, Pavlov, Bremer and others.

Sleep Center Policy and Procedure Manual:
A Sleep Center procedure manual that provides information for sleep centers or for those thinking about starting a sleep disorders center. Information on CTP coding and billing, technician duties, polysomnography montages, MSLT, MWT etc.

101 Questions about Sleep and Dreams:
A book by Merrill and Elizabeth Mitler. Each question and answer, is able to be printed out in Spanish and English for giving to patients. Fully indexed for rapid access.

The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders:
A complete encyclopedia, updated each year, with over 750 entries covering every term known to sleep and sleep disorders, some with multimedia content such as video, audio and graphics.

This educational and interactive game is based upon the board game principle. It allows competitors to learn about factors that disrupt sleep and the pathophysiology of various sleep stages. Sometimes the game requires the participant to undergo sleep testing for various complaints and different treatment options may be selected. Filled with audio and written cues and responses this is a fun-filled game for clinicians, technicians or patients.

Case Histories:
Over 30 complete patient case histories, many with sleep study results including PSG, MSLT and CPAP studies. Cases provide an overview of disorders that include: psychophysiological insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, delayed sleep phase syndrome, REM sleep behavior disorder, periodic limb movement disorder, narcolepsy, sleep-related painful erections, sleepwalking and many others. Some cases are classical examples of the primary disorder, others are interesting and challenging both diagnostically and therapeutically.                    

Patient Care Programs:
Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Shift Work Disorder, Restless Legs Syndrome and Dental Sleep Medicine, these programs are presented in both English and Spanish.                    

Print Capabilities:
You can print out each complete page, illustrations, graphs, tables, references and abstracts, pages as slides, lists of available audiovisual programs, and forms for patients and physicians.

Printable Forms:
Sleep apnea tips, CPAP compliance suggestions, Epworth sleepiness scale, Sleep hygiene tips, Sleep restriction therapy, Stimulus control therapy, Ullanlinna Narcolepsy Scale, Narcolepsy tips, Sleep diary, Stanford sleepiness scale, Relaxation therapy, Pediatric questionnaire,  Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Insomnia questionnaire, Drowsy driving tips, Forced Immobilization Test, Sleep restriction therapy, Stimulus Control Therapy, Relaxation Therapy, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Reading List, Sleep Studies request form, Mood questionnaires, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, and the Montefiore Sleep Questionnaire (presented in both Spanish and English).

Lecture Capabilities:
Compose and store your lectures, selecting pages from any chapter. Store the lectures under a name of your choosing. Give an interactive lecture directly from your laptop computer coupled to a video-projection system. Include references with abstracts, videos and sleep specialists’ comments in your lectures.

Annotation Ability:
Include your own notes or even your abstracts or manuscripts in any page. A paper clip in the corner of a page indicates that a page has been annotated. Ideal for teaching purposes, or for including comments in foreign languages.

CME Questions:
Obtain up to 140 Category I Credits in response to completing questions contained throughout the chapters. An automatically generated report form allows you to obtain CME Credits issued by Albert Einstein College Of Medicine – Montefiore Medial Center, New York. Independent of the need for CME Credits the over 1400 questions provide an excellent self-testing method.

On-line Help:
Includes an interactive tutorial, help index, glossary of sleep terms, lists of video clips, chapter indexes that are in both page order and alphabetized. Fully interactive between chapters, with full search capabilities for topics and authors.

Sleep Multimedia Inc. © 2025